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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eat Durian Dangerous, If ...

Previous ... Yuuk first identify Durian ...

Durian is a tropical plant names are derived from Southeast Asia, The name is taken from the skin of the fruit characteristics are hard and sharp that squiggly-like spines. Variant names are also popular is the durian. Sundanese people call kadu. Durian is one type of fruit that have high economic value. Trees originating from seeds after 10 years older than the new flowering. When derived from grafting seedlings, flowering at the age of 8 years. Durian requires fertile soil, loose, not bercadas, depth of 1-2 meters of ground water, acidity (pH) soil 6-7. High place between 400-600 meters above sea level. In the lowland origin can also be planted durian rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year. When grown up to 1000 meters above sea level is not dense fruit.

Not only eat durian fruit flesh only, but the seeds are also edible. Durian seeds are eaten boiled or roasted as a snack. Young shoots and young fruit can be cooked to a salad. The dried rind is used as fuel, especially for fish bloat

But ... there are some things that make durian become dangerous when consumed ... What are these? Read immediately wrote yaaa ...
Durian is eaten during pregnancy

Durian fruit contains a lot of gas, glucose, cholesterol and too little alcohol. After eating durian, flatulence can cause contractions.
In patients with first trimester of pregnancy should not refrain from first to taste this fruit. Because at this gestational age resulting contraction is more likely.

Memakan Durian Secara Berlebihan
A civil servant in the province of Singburi, Thailand killed after consuming four mon thong durian fruit. One mon thong durian, one of the most popular in Thailand, if it is then 600 grams of flesh peeled fruit (without seeds), kalornya levels can reach 978.

By eating four durian fruit of that size, then someone will get an extra burst of energy equivalent to 4000 calories, or roughly twice per day needs of the average human.

Warning particularly aimed at those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes. Even healthy people who just have to be careful so that his body be able to spend energy that appear suddenly in large numbers.

So if you consume durian (especially mon thong durian) do not overdo it.

\Eating durian plus Alcoholic Beverage

Indigestion can occur if the durian is consumed along with alcoholic beverages. Research at the University of Tsukuba, Japan and even prove sulfur content in durian can inhibit the metabolism of alcohol and can lead to death.





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