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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eye of God - Space Phenomena

So many amazing phenomena in Space, things that are surprising, unusual, unique and strange is always happening in Outer space, such as Solar Storms, the birth of a star, comet, meteor, astroid, and so on. One of the highlights is the photo where the Lord was watching us. God was "looking at the Earth" at this time. This is the interesting metaphor of a photograph depicting the phenomenal space of a giant structure shaped eyes that seemed to emit a color that was staring at our little planet, Earth.

Stunning views of outer space, where an "aura of God's eye" was caught and photographed by telescopes European Southern Observatory (ESO) in which is located in Chile. The astronomers also call it as one of the photos' appearance of the eyes of God "the most amazing in space.

This photo is really realistic, not the result of engineering or the words of people shotoshop and edits. Photo of a structure Nebula, Helix Nebula precisely, one of the nebula that is closest to Earth, located in the belt of Aquarius space with a distance of about 700 light years from Earth. Pretty close .. wiw ..

Amazing Space Photos taken with the telescope Vista 4.1 meters in diameter berinframerah ESO (European Southern Observatory), which showed emission nebula gas cooler. With infrared technology makes it look more radiant gas become brighter and can display a full background of stars and galaxies. Cool ..

Nebula can be referred to as "cloud" sky, because it consists of dust, the material is ionized and molecular gases emanating from the dead or dying stars. Photo of Nebula "God's eye" this one is created from a small white star visible in the photo as a small blue dot in the middle of "Eye of God" is.

dust, gas, material in the nebula that gets very high energy radiation coming from a dying star radiation is believed to be the origin of the creation of a comet.





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