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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

22 Tips on How to Improve Performance Right Brain Left.

Our brain is a supercomputer weighing 1.5 kg. As a control center that controls your life, otaklah that determines how you think danberinteraksi with others. Your brain is much more complicated than any computer with a 100 million billion brain cells that are interconnected to one another.

Here's how to improve your brain performance:

1. Run for Brain Cells

The researchers say that people who do a lot of physical exercise may have a better brain. Researchers at the Salk Institute found that mice who ran on exercise wheels growth of new cells twice as much on the brain region of memory and learning. Researchers are not sure of the cause but it is likely that this is due to the physical exercise that is not forced. Which means, by finding ways to enjoy the sport rather than be forced to do so can make you smarter, too. So do sports that you enjoy doing, go jogging with music or fitness with your friends more refreshing for your brain.

2. Trying New ThingsExperts neurobiology from Duke University, Professor Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D. says that finding new ways of thinking and trying new things can improve the function of brain regions that are less active. In essence, try to do anything that can make you out of your habitual ways of thinking during this time, for example, try a variety of new dishes, go to the office via another road, visiting new places or trying to create a work of art.3. AskFamiliarize yourself to always want to know! Ask yourself and others around you about various things. Get used to ask "why?" At least 10 times a day. Your brain will be trained and the opportunities and solutions will appear in kehidupananda.4. LaughResearchers say that laughter is good for health. Without the researcher must tell, a lifetime we've felt the efficacy of laughter that can reduce mental stress dantekanan. So laughed before laughter is forbidden!5. Become Lovers FishOmega-3 which are found mainly in fish has long been known good for the heart. But recent research reveals that omega-3 is also good for the brain because they help the circulation system that pumps oxygen into your head and improve the functioning of the cell membrane that surrounds the brain. People who consume lots of fish or omega-3 can have mental states and intelligence are better and more resistant to depression. Eating fish dishes such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna at least 3 times a week is a good start.6. Dig MemoriesLook back at old photo albums or your school yearbook. Your brain is a memory machine, so let it work so that does not rust.7. Reduce FatFat can reduce the flow of oxygenated blood to your brain metabolism of glucose danmenghambat yag is "food" for the brain. You still may get 30% of your daily caloric requirement as fat and stay away from snack foods that contain lots of fat.8. Play PuzzleCompleting the puzzle in his spare time is a good way to exercise your brain danmenjaga condition. It does not matter whether it's crossword puzzles, jigsaw or logical games. But do it by realizing that the puzzle is just a game for fun.
9. Mozart EffectFrances Rauscher a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin found that listening to Mozart can increase mathematical ability and a person's space. But the need is commemorated that not all people experience this Mozart effect. And some experts also say that this happens because the music can make people feel comfortable and relaxed yangmendengarnya and similar stimuli can also produce the same effect. There is even one study that found that by listening to the story, then our brain will also grow.
10. Improve SkillsSome mental stimulation is repeated is actually good for your brain selamaanda continue to improve your skills and knowledge base. Everyday activities such as gardening, sewing, reading, fill in a crossword puzzle can be useful for your health as long otakanda encourage yourself to continue to do so at the level yangberbeda. Eg sewing with a pattern that is more difficult, painting with a more difficult technique, or doing crossword puzzles are larger and harder.
11. Stay away from AlcoholResearch on rats found that alcohol not only damage the brain but also prevent it to recover. A study of 3500 men in Japan found that those who drink regularly (about once a day) will have better cognitive function when they get older when compared with those who did not drink at all. But however if you drink more than the normal limit the ability of your memory and reaction will decrease.12. Things To Do Before SleepSeeing or reading the important stuff (only if the information is not going to disturb your sleep) before you sleep can help improve your memory of these things by 20-30%. Conversely, if you can not sleep because something yangmengusik your mind, you can "remove" from your mind by writing it on a sheet of paper. So always prepare a pen and paper beside the tiduranda.13. Concentration Concentration can increase brainpower.Of course you know about this, but you may not realize is the things that can interfere with konsentrasianda. Suppose you want to call someone since this morning, if this is not andalakukan it will disrupt your concentration to activity all day, even ketikaanda not realize it. Get used to pause and ask "What is there in my mind right now?". To remember and deal with it. For the example above, immediately call the person or enter into the next day's agenda, so that you can think clearly and relax.
14. Play and WorkWithout the personal satisfaction, then you can not do anything with maximal When a person develops through learning and creativity, he is more excited and will give 127% ability to work. Recall what you like when you were little and apply it into your work. This is the key to the genius, talent and your talent. Da Vinci, Edison and Picasso are all love to play and they love to explore.15. Writing is one of the stimulants are good for your brain since writing can develop the capacity of your brain. Try to start by writing childhood stories or start your own blog or whatever as long as you write it in order to be read by others.Similarly, the things that make your brain faster to use. hopefully can be useful





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