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Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 Sea Monster Caught Ever

1. Blue Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena maculosa).

monster laut
If you think that the octopus was funny, maybe you're right. If we are clay octopus appearance of this one, really funny and cute, but this is one species of octopus is lethal! With only about 20 cm long and weighs 1 / 2 Kilograms, this poisonous octopus can kill an adult human in just minutes! Fortunately, we rarely make contact with these creatures, but be careful if you're diving the waters around Australia and meet him.

2. Long-nosed Chimaera (Rhinochimaeridae).

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A type of shark and fish is usually found Mantaray Tropical waters at a depth of 180 - 1800 Meters.
Nose length has a poison that is used as a means of defense, and its shape is rather creepy.

3. Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis).

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His name alone is scary, Vampire ... Scientists are still difficult to classify them into either type of squid or octopus. They are relatively small, measuring only 15 cm width and a length of about 50 cm, but still did not look friendly. If attacked by a predator, these creatures will transform itself into a spiny ball (it's really cool!) And inject a kind of liquid that burns brightly, to confuse his enemies.

4. Pacific Black Dragon (Idiacanthus antrostomus ).

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Pacific at depths of its exterior was found 180-900 meters. Although small, they are ferocious creatures, as he looks. The female, with only 1:44 meters long, has a row of razor-sharp teeth and long beards didagunya. The male, with a length of 1.92 meters, has no teeth and a beard, also does not have the stomach! Hebatkan? The males because they do not have the stomach, then they do not need to eat, they only live to fertilize Females.

5. Pelican Eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides).

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Pelican named because its mouth is shaped exactly like a pelican bird, which makes these creatures capable of devouring other creatures bigger than his body.
With a 0.9 meter long and live in depths of 600-6000 meters. In addition to a large mouth, they also have tails that can give off light (usually colored pink, or red), which serves to attract the attention of their prey.

6. Giant Grenadier Fish (Albatrossia pectoralis).

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Its exterior is usually found at a depth of 300 meters Pacific. But it could also be found dikedalaman 180-600 meters.
The growth of this fish is rather slow, so it is quite difficult to find them with a large size. According to scientists, they can live to 56 years!
There are several restaurants in Europe that menu choice is fish.

7. Fangtooth Fish (Anoplogaster cornuta).

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When compared to the size of his body, then the fish is classified as fish with the largest tooth size compared to body proportions.
Fortunately they are not too dangerous for humans because their body size is only about 15 cm.
Usually live dikedalaman 180 - 1300 meters, but could also reach a depth of 2800 meters.

8. Colossal Squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni).

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May weigh 400 kg, imagine if there
This seafood restaurant that serves for the menu!

9. Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni).

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The shape is odd, and are rarely caught alive in the sea because of their habitat. Many scientists believe that shark species are classified as pre-historic fish.
Notice how they attack their prey, very unique.
their jaws can be protruded from his mouth! Alien-like monsters difilm his Sigourney Weaver.

10. Giant Isopod (Bathynomus giganteus).

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Including marine animals like insects, are found in the Atlantic ocean with a depth of 150 meters, looking for food in the dark (they do not swim).
The size is approximately 18.75 cm - 37 cm.





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