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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

If you have any Korean Ginseng, Indonesia had a Wild Ginger

It turned out that not only the Korean fever hit musical universe Indonesia, Indonesian medicinal plants are also not to be outdone looh. Who tuuh?
Ginger, a plant unique to Indonesia this one has tremendous potential, because it includes one type of retrieval-finding the most widely used as medicinal plants, and even supposedly common use of this plant has the equivalent of Korean ginseng, you know!.
So, not amazed if many people think of ginger as "ginseng" was Indonesia.
Due to the increasingly popular Wild Ginger * aja ni aja kayak idol, let us follow the story from time to time ..
1. Popularity Wild Ginger (Ages fashioned)
Wild Ginger has been known since the beginning of the sixteenth century and its popularity continues to increase along with the benefits and usefulness of research results. In Europe, ginger has been known since the late sixteenth century and is now one of the basic ingredients for fitoterapi (treatment with medicinal plants) in several European countries. Since last 40 years, various studies have revealed the secrets of these properties of ginger. Results were generally supportive of the wisdom of our ancestors in the use of ginger, especially as drug jaundice (liver disease) and rheumatic pain pegel.

2. Wild Ginger Log in Indonesia Leading Medicinal Plants 9 (th 2003)
Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Is native to Indonesia, which can be seen from the name that is synonymous with Curcuma javanica, need to be developed and utilized by the public because it has been demonstrated empirically based on the results of scientific research proved to be very beneficial for health.
Then, ginger is also starting researched since 2003 and put into one of Nine Medicinal Plants Leading Indonesia. One of the content of ginger that makes him famous, namely thanks to the curcuminoid, a substance which is useful for lowering blood fats (anti-hyperlipidemia) as well as maintain and nourish the liver (liver) or a medical term hepatoprotektor.
3. Wild Ginger is also made by the Government Program loh .. (Th 2005)
The Proclamation of the National Movement has done Drinking Ginger (GNMT) by the Government of Indonesia in Yogyakarta Palace on July 14, 2005. GNMT was held to increase public awareness of medicinal plants native to Indonesia are beneficial and have long used by the public and the price is quite affordable, which is ginger.
The potential of ginger is quite big and has a good economic value to be developed as a natural medicine which has various properties and as a health food. National Movement of Wild Ginger Drink is designed as an intensive campaign early, systematic and sustainable development efforts and utilization of natural medicine Indonesia.

4. Ginger claimed USA (th 2010)
Ginger for medicinal active substances liver, anticancer, and the heart has been patented in the United States to foreign parties.
Wild Ginger-known people grow and come from Indonesia. But why has the patent fact that the United States? It is very worried about because manufacturers of herbal medicine homeland, what would happen if one of the medicinal plant was patented foreign countries.
Worries that make Indonesia Products Proud Community Coordinator, Alvin Lie, visited the Parliament, representatives of the people in the office, he mengunggapkan kerisaunnya "traditional herbal medicine industry is threatened. What happens if the herbal medicine industry sued the U.S.? Want to carry around our industry? "He said in the House press room, Senayan Thursday (October 21, 2010 last).
Indonesia is considered not ready to file objections related to the patent claims the active ingredient of ginger into the body of international arbitration. The reason, the Indonesian side has yet to have a data base of scientific evidence the results of laboratory studies and evidence from historical documents stating that the ginger comes from Indonesia.
"Now researchers Indonesia is still busy researching ginger to the molecular level, to look for evidence that the species of origin (indigenous) curcuma native of Indonesia," said Amin Soebandrio, Expert Staff of the Ministry of Health and Medicine Research and Technology in Jakarta, Thursday (October 21 2010 then).

5. Wild Ginger Herbal Leading Icon Will So Indonesia (updated 2011)
In order to support ginger's iconic natural medicinal plants Indonesia, BPPT is conducting a study to prove that these plants originated from Indonesia's natural.
Head of the Biotechnology Study Center BPPT Marwoto Bambang said the study was necessary to protect plant germplasm native ginger as Indonesia that are not exploited by other nations. "Many countries have claimed ginger is a native of their country. But it has not been proven scientifically," he said during the event BPPT Role in Development and Improvement Efforts Competitiveness Herbal Medicine Industry in Jakarta, Wednesday (6 April 2011 then).
Wild Ginger is also known as Java turmeric is expected to become an international icon when successfully compared with the ginger from India or Malaysia. "Unfortunately, other countries are reluctant to give the sample. It is expected there to help facilitate the process, so the study was completed in 2012," said Justin Tajuddin, Associate Engineer Agricultural Biotechnology Section BPPT.
In line with the Medical Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Technology BPPT Rifatul Widjhati also ensure that 80 percent of production because the benefits of herbal medicine containing ginger as the protector of the liver from hepatitis and enhance the immune system.





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