
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hyperdesk Alienware

From the artist who created the phenomenally popular desktop themes Alienware (Invader, ALXMorph, darkstar, Superman, Star Wars & others) comes a fresh invasion galactically cool desktop.

subspace contains 2 hyperthemes different in both dark and alloy styles, a WMP / iTunes Yahoo! widget featuring mind-blowing distance animations that must be seen to be believed, a futuristic icon set that includes 6 different folder sets (vertical and horizontal layout ), a sleek Windows Media Player skin that will play video (and audio) and an amazing otherworldly high-resolution wallpaper. Part of the DarkMatter Trilogy of hypersuites. You will need to download the free application, Yahoo! Widgets to use the remote hyper-animated audio.

for Windows 7 - 32bit

- Unpack
- Install
- Apply Theme

Note: in it dah I enter recovery record

please download
Hyperdesk Alienware





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